Welcome to Grace Café

Our mission is to increase food security in the Danville-Boyle County community by providing access to healthy food on a pay-what-you-can basis.

Dear Graceful Community,

We began Grace on the Go operations at the end of November thanks to you!  We post our locations and menus daily on this website, Facebook and Instagram, so be sure to follow us to get all the info. We are settling into a regular schedule of Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 11:30am-2:00pm. Our set locations each week are still being worked out, but soon you will see a regular schedule and know where to expect us!

With Grace and Gratitude,

Jennifer Earle and Mary Beth Murray

P.S. Would you consider becoming a Monthly Donor for 2025? Our monthly donors truly serve as the backbone of our operations since we can count on this funding each month to purchase food, supplies, equipment, and help keep us ON THE GO! Thank you!